Thursday, August 30, 2012

One of our classes is called "literary pilgrimage": we took it to heart.

highlights of the last couple days:

We made a literary pilgrimage to the “Elephant House” where that woman wrote that story about those wizards.  We enjoyed lunch there within sight of the castle.

We made a fashion pilgrimage to Anthropology.

We made many caffeine pilgrimages to coffeeshops.

We made a real pilgrimage up “Arthur’s Seat” (a not so small hill).  in the dark.  through puddles.  in ponchos.  with light-saber sticks.  for at least a solid three hours. 

Many many plays... some surprises along the way:  Be warned:  Watson may turn out to be Sherlock’s mortal enemy, the French and Russians all love, apparently, to be in the nude, and plays about silent films may last for 4 hours.

Morgan at Elephant House!

Maddie in her natural habitat.

Our friend Madison picking apples outside of the former convent where we were staying.


Today we made it to the lake district.  Cheers.  

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